Advance Review: Destro #2

The creative team deserves a round of applause for delivering another non-stop, action-packed thrill ride that never takes its foot off the gas pedal. Following the events from the debut issue’s final pages, Dan Watters crafts a delicate dance between Destro/M.A.R.S. and the Crimson Twins/Extensive Enterprises, ramping up the tension from a war of propaganda to an all-out paramilitary confrontation.

Watters' writing shines as he seamlessly shifts between these two adversarial factions, showcasing the depths they'll plunge to gain the upper hand. His script is a perfect reflection of the high-stakes world of G.I. Joe, where loyalty, power, and deception are constantly at play.

Art by Andrei Bressan and Adriano Lucas match the script's energy with glorious visuals that never cease to impress. Bressan's attention to detail in his characters' facial reactions adds a layer of depth to the story, making the world feel lived in and dynamic. No two panels seem to ever show the same face twice. His action sequences are expertly choreographed, evoking classic G.I. Joe comics with high-octane explosions and intense combat. His designs for Destro’s robot army emerging from the flames is an image that will seep into your brain. Lucas' rich color palette brings the pages to life, with warm reds, oranges, and yellows that add a fiery undertone to the all action.

Rus Wooton's lettering ties everything together, keeping dialogue-rich panels clean and easily readable. The onomatopoeia details are a nice touch, adding to the frenetic energy.

Overall, Destro #2 is a perfect follow-up to the first issue, and I'm eagerly anticipating what comes next. The creative team has set the bar high, and I have no doubt they'll continue to deliver based on what we’ve seen so far!

Rating: 10/10


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