Advance Review: The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #6

I can’t believe we’re already at the first arc finale for Christopher Chaos. It feels like just yesterday I was interviewing the creative team about the series’ debut. Yet, with the Wednesday’s release of The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #6, that’s exactly where we are. As I wrote about in my Favorite Comics of 2023 piece, this series has celebrated individuality, embraced weirdness, and reminded us that value of friendship; a word that takes on extra significance in this week’s issue.

We pick up almost immediately after the end of the previous issue, with Christopher and his crew holed up in an ancient church, staring down the dual threat of the local (dirty) cops and the full-force of the Helwing corporation. Our main characters aren’t just navigating the world of monsterkind anymore; they’re facing it head-on. My only complaint with this issue is that it felt like we could have gotten even more than we did. Events unfold so quickly that some of the developments felt like they weren’t completely fleshed out.

While the issue is full of action, we also see some of the best character growth for Christopher since the first issue. He’s fallen into the background in a couple issues as he’s surrounded by characters with much louder personalities, yet he finally finds his voice and exudes a new sense of confidence here. His vulnerability and self-doubt have always felt genuine, but his newly discovered determination to fight for himself and others is such a joy to see. Witnessing his emotional growth adds depth and resonance to the thrilling action happening around him.

Tate Brombal’s script reads crisp and easy even at a breakneck speed and Isaac Goodhart’s art visually crafts an epic, high-stakes showdown which perfectly closes out this introductory arc. Miquel Muerto’s color have been a bright (pun fully intended) spot throughout this entire series and they are yet again some of the best parts of the book. Goodhart’s designs are brought to life in such vivid and vibrant colors thanks to Muerto’s palette. And, of course, the lettering work is flawless thanks to the always-amazing work by letter extraordinaire Aditya Bidikar.

Overall, Christopher Chaos #6 is not only an excellent concluding chapter to the series’ first arc, it’s a game-changer as well. It not only expands the world-building but also offers an intriguing epilogue which hints at a grander conspiracy we’ll begin to explore in the next arc which kicks off next month. If you haven’t had a chance to dive into this first phase, the first six issues will be collected in The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos Vol 1, which hits shelves May 22, 2024.

Rating: 9/10


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