Advanced Review: Space Ghost #4

As I wrote in my review of the debut issue, I wasn't intimately familiar with classic Space Ghost stories, but after enjoying David Pepose's recent Punisher series at Marvel, I decided to give Dynamite's reboot a chance. I'm glad I did, as Pepose has kept me engaged through the first three issues, and Space Ghost #4 takes the stakes to a whole new level!

One of the standout aspects of this series is Pepose's approach to storytelling. Each issue has its own individual episodic arc, yet they all build towards a larger, overarching plot. This issue is no exception, as we're finally introduced to the sinister villain Zorak, who makes an immediate impact on the story and sets up a major conflict that will play out between him and Space Ghost. I'm excited to see how Pepose continues to build this world now that Zorak has been introduced as a major antagonist.

The art by Jonathan Lau and colors by Andrew Dalhouse are another highlight of the issue. Lau's use of different panel styles keeps pages fresh, and his action sequences have a kinetic energy that's perfect for a space opera. A standout fight sequence in this issue showcases Dalhouse's skill with colors, as he brings energy powers to life with a vibrant palette that pops against a dark background.

Overall, Space Ghost #4 is an entertaining comic that's sure to please fans of the character and newcomers alike. With its blend of nostalgia and fresh storytelling, I'd definitely recommend catching up on the series if you haven't already. It seems like the world-building Pepose did in the first three issues is starting to pay off, and I'm eager to see where the story goes from here!

Rating: 4.5/5


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