Ben Grimm Keeps Clobbering Along in Our Preview of Clobberin’ Time #4

You know sales aren’t going well for a book when Marvel doesn’t give an issue a variant cover. Yikes.

Clobberin’ Time #4 picks up after Ben Grimm teamed up with Doctor Strange to battle the Time-Twister in the previous issue. In this issue, he’s set to join forces with an unlikely Marvel character — Doctor Doom. If you’re one of what seems to be the few still interested in this series, we’ve got a preview below!

From the publisher:

(W/A/CA) Steve Skroce

Ben Grimm has been banished to the bottomless pit of interstitial space between realities. There, he finds an unlikely ally in DOCTOR DOOM. DOOM has also been a victim of the new villain OGDU FRAIZE, the PSYCHOPOMP. Together, they plan their escape with the help of the banished Watcher, TUVAH TU.
Rated T


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