KNIGHT TERRORS: PUNCHLINE #1 may be one of the most crisply drawn entries in the Knight Terrors event yet. The designs are clean, detailed, and vibrant. You’ll never question what’s happening on the page, who’s actually speaking, or where the characters are at. The creative team of Lucas Meyers on pencils, Alex Guimarães on colors, and Steve Wands doing lettering provide a superior experience bringing readers along the entire issue.
Credit: DC Comics
And that is needed more than ever as Danny Lore’s story takes some time to build, and even longer to develop into a nightmare. The majority of the book feels like your standard Punchline story, which is fine for normal issue but felt like a miss for a Knight Terrors tie-in. Like a good portion of the other tie-ins, it was completely removed from the main storyline and I doubt we’ll see it connect at any point.
Credit: DC Comics
Overall the strong artwork can’t make up for the slow pacing that plagues the majority of this issue. Several scenes drag on for multiple pages Punchline musing to herself with little-to-no plot development. As the first issue of a two-issue arc, that’s a big no-no.
Rating: 5/10