When the list of titles for Knight Terrors was announced, Ravager was one of the characters I was most surprised to see get her own event tie-in. The character hasn’t gotten the level of solo stories as others who also have their own tie-ins, so I was a bit cautious as to what we’d get and whether we’d see Rose as the main focus, or if DC and Ed Brisson would turn this into an ensemble story. Suffice it to say, Brisson proves with KNIGHT TERRORS: RAVAGER #2 that a standalone-Rose Wilson/Ravager story can be captivating and heartfelt without needing to rely on other characters to bring our her best traits (even though Stormwatch gets involved to some degree).

Brisson continues the strong character development he introduced in the first issue and expands upon it via Rose’s internal self-discovery vis-a-vis her being chased by the nightmare version of herself. In addition to it being a great way to showcase Rose confronting inner demons related to her father, it also allows Dexter Soy’s art and Veronica Gandini’s colors to create tense scenes straight out of classic slasher movies. Soy’s action sequences are the visual highlights of this issues, including a standout full-page panel of Rose turning the tide on her pursuers.

Overall, this two-part Ravager story has been a pleasant surprise in an otherwise disappointing event. Brisson has shown that a complex Ravager story can be written without sacrificing action, nor does the character always need to be part of a team to be used effectively. The tease on the final page also did it’s job in getting me interested to see what will happen next. All in all, both pares of KNIGHT TERRORS: RAVAGER are a great example of how to do a tie-in right.

Rating: 9/10


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