Review: Everything that Happened at This Year’s HELLFIRE GALA (Spoilers)


I was not ready for what I just witnessed in X-MEN HELLFIRE GALA 2023 #1.

Ever since the Fall of X was first teased, the current (I guess now previous) Krakoa arc, Destiny of X, has been criticized for advancing the Krakoan narrative at a snail’s pace mixed with some off-the-wall stories across the various titles that were nothing more than a distraction from the main plot. It wasn’t until a handful of the most recent issues from the “Core 3” as I call them (X-MEN, X-MEN RED, and IMMORTAL X-MEN) where we got back to understanding more about ORCHIS’s plans for mutant destruction and the upcoming civil war on Arakko.

There is almost no way for me to talk about X-MEN HELLFIRE GALA 2023 #1 without giving away spoilers, so please be warned if you decide to read this article without having read the issue that was released today.

So what transpired at the third annual Hellfire Gala? How did the Fall of X kick-off? Beware, there are spoilers ahead…

Kamala Khan Becomes an X-Man

The issue immediately kicks off with Kamala’s rebirth as an Inhuman AND mutant after her death in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #26. As she emerges from her resurrection egg, she’s greeted by Charles Xavier, Emma Frost, Cyclops, and members of the Five. The scene plays as a mix between true excitement from all sides, anxiety from Kamala of the unknown and fear of how her family will react, and nefarious chess-playing by Charles and Emma on how they can use Kamala as a PR pawn to gain sympathy from humans. After a quick introduction to Krakoa, Jumbo Carnation escorts her away to work his magic on a new costume and last-minute Hellfire Gala outfit (spoiler alert: it’s STUNNING).

A later scene begins to explain Kamala’s new normal and doesn’t immediately turn her into a full-fledged mutant…yet. We learn that because she was exposed to the Terrigen Mist before her mutant powers manifested, there is no way to know what those powers may be until they reveal themselves. Xavier informs Kamala that there’s no telling what may have had the order been reversed given the negative effects mature mutants have when exposed to the mist. We also see a cute exchange between Kamala and Rasputin IV, who was successfully indoctrinated to be a fan of Ms. Marvel in her future timeline thanks to Xavier’s planned charm offensive/propaganda.

Gerry Duggan does an admirable job writing Kamala’s scenes, resisting the urge to reuse Kamala’s worst trope of being a star-crossed superhero fan and focusing more on her cautious embrace of her new life and keeping her family at the forefront of her thoughts. If this were an entire comic dedicated to Ms. Marvel these scenes may not have been enough, but in an issue that includes so much story, Kamala’s scenes still stood out and I’m excited to see how her story progresses. Suffice it to say that the Kamala’s writing as a X-Man is off to a strong start.

G.O.D.S. Walk Among Us

Created by Krakoan architect Jonathan Hickman along with Valerio Schiti, two of Marvel’s G.O.D.S. make an appearance at this year’s Gala as previously teased. Wyn, a magician who has remained in the shadows for thousands of year, and Dmitri, a follower of science with his own secret plans, share an ominous warning with Magik before departing the festivities early.

It’s a very quick scene that only takes up a page, but it lays the groundwork for the rest of the issue. “Pride goeth before the fall,” as the saying goes and Wyn seems to know all to well what is about to happen to the X-Men who have achieved god-like status with all of their new technologies and tools.

New X-Men Team Announced

As is tradition, the Hellfire Gala acts as a changing of the guard for the traditional X-Men team. This year’s fan vote saw Juggernaut elected to the team, along with Synch and Talon/Wolverine returning to lead the new team. Joining them to round out the new lineup are Frenzy, Jubilee, Cannonball, Prodigy, and Dazzler!

Celebrations are short lived however as ORCHI has other plans…

ORCHIS Makes Their Move

Without even skipping a beat, the celebration is cut short when Nimrod crashes the party on the page immediately after the new team is announced. Combined, the full page spread is one of the most jarring juxtapositions I have seen in comics and it marks a the turning point in Krakoan history.

After Nimrod’s first strike, more ORCHIS forces arrive, including Doctor Stasis, Karima Shapandar, Moira MacTaggert, Stark Sentinels, and a whole bunch of ORCHIS soldiers in the organization’s attempt eradicate mutants. The Krakoans don’t go easily though, putting up a valiant effort by some of the island nation’s strongest inhabitants. Ice Man and Jean Grey are just two of mutants who have heroic moments to shine as they attempt to fend of the intruders. It’s all in vain though, as ORCHIS enacts what can only be described as a “mutant massacre,” which may be putting it lightly. ORCHIS shows no mercy for anyone at the gala and we witness multiple X-Men and human deaths alike.

It’s weird to say that the villains get a time to shine here but oh boy does the creative team do an amazing job making you LOATHE every single member of ORCHIS who makes an appearance. They’re callous, they’re calculated, and they’re relentless in their goal of eliminating mutants from the face of the Earth. My only minor gripe is that Moira’s depiction teeters towards being a caricature of blood-thirsty revenge, though they have been building hers towards this mentality. I’m still not completely sold that this is who Moria would become but I’m willing to suspend some disbelief.

Krakoa Surrenders

In a last ditch effort to save the remaining mutants, Charles Xavier surrenders and agrees to have every mutant on Earth walk through a Krakoan gate to an off-Earth destination. While he’s able to telepathically convince the majority of mutants to abide by these terms of surrender, a small few led by Emma Frost use Xavier’s own Red Triangle technique to resist the mandate and flee to the Hellfire Club’s original NY headquarters to regroup and put a plan in place to retake Krakoa.

Before her death, Jean is able to implant Firestar as an ORCHIS mole by altering Doctor Stasis’s memories. He’s made to believe that she’s been working with the organization since before she was elected to the X-Men during last year’s Hellfire Gala and even defends her against his co-conspirators who question why she’s still around. I’ve really enjoyed how they’ve used Firestar since her election and I’m glad she will continue to play a bigger role moving forward.

Xavier stays on Krakoa with his ORCHIS captors for what is meant to be his execution by Moira but is saved at the last minute by Rogue who flies him away. Their escape is interrupted when Xavier realizes he’s lost communication with every mutant who left Earth due to ORCHIS corrupting the gates beforehand.

Final Thoughts

X-MEN HELLFIRE GALA 2023 #1 provides readers with one of the most brutally intense acts of visual storytelling in recent memory. Page after page, scene after scene, and panel after panel are brimming with action and keep you at the edge of your seat.

Gerry Duggan wrote a masterpiece. The combined artistic talent of Adam Kubert, Luciano Vecchio, Russell Dauterman, Matteo Lolli, Javier Pina, R.B. Silva, Joshua Cassara, Kris Anka, and Pepe Larraz drew a masterpiece. I audibly gasped at multiple points throughout this issue due to collective talent of every person who worked on it. My mind was truly blown and I cannot wait to see how this all unfolds.

This is undeniably the most consequential issue since the initial HoX/PoX limited series when Krakoa began. It’s ramifications have the potential to impact the entire Marvel comic book universe for years to come.

Rating: 10/10




October 2023 Solicitations: Image Comics