Pride Month Creator Spotlight: David M. Booher

Next up in Derby’s Pride Month creator spotlight series is David M. Booher! David is an Eisner & GLAAD-nominated comic book writer and creator, and the architect behind the fan-favorite Canto series. With a passion for crafting unique and captivating tales, David has made a name for himself with his vibrant characters, engaging storylines, and rich world-building.

The finale series to Canto’s ‘Shrouded Man Saga’, Canto: A Place Like Home #1, debuted earlier this month and can be found in comic book shops now! He also has two collected editions hitting shelves tomorrow that you won’t want to miss, June 19th: Canto Volume 1: If I Only Had A Heart HC and Killer Queens 2: Kings Not Wings TPB.

I’m so thankful to David for taking the time out of his busy schedule to chat with me about his work. Check out our conversation below…

*Note: This conversation has been edited for clarity.

DERBY COMICS: Happy Pride! What does Pride mean to you and are you doing anything special to celebrate this year?

DAVID BOOHER: Like most of us in the community, Pride for me isn’t limited to one month out of the year. My husband and I have been together for nearly 25 years, so we celebrate pride every day by being out and open and proud. The plan to celebrate Pride this year is the same as every other year: make the world a little bit more rainbow-colored than when we found it.

DERBY COMICS: I love that, we need more rainbows! How did you get your start working in comics?

BOOHER: My first published work came out in 2017. I’d been trying to break in for a couple of years before that. But my writing journey really began probably 20 years ago now. I was a practicing attorney before this new life as a writer, so writing fiction, screenplays, and eventually comics was escapism from the grind. I discovered I loved writing more than I loved being a lawyer (surprise, surprise!), so here we are.

DERBY COMICS: June is quite the month for Canto! Canto: A Place Like Home #1 released earlier this month and the hardcover Canto Volume 1: If I Only Had a Heart will be out June 19th. This little guy has developed quite the cult following amongst fans. What has it been like seeing the positive reactions to this series?

BOOHER: It’s been quite the adventure! We’re celebrating 5 years since Canto #1 debuted, and now we’re 24 issues in with gorgeous hardcovers on the way from Dark Horse Comics. The fan connection to the little clockwork knight is honestly what keeps us going. We love the little guy. It’s amazing to see other folks love him as much as we do.

DERBY COMICS: That’s so true. I’ve seen a ton of fan-created Canto content posted on social media. Do you have any personal favorites?

BOOHER: They all stick with me. I have been able to add a couple to my personal collection. Both were done as warm up sketches by the artists. I loved them so much that I reached out to see if I could get them. For one artist in particular, we ended up hiring him to do some Canto work after seeing his great sketch.

DERBY COMICS: Oh wow, that’s so awesome! What can readers expect from the new arc that just debuted in the new arc, A Place Like Home?

BOOHER: The thrilling conclusion to the Shrouded Man Saga! From the start, we knew how the story would end… if we got the chance to tell it. Now that we’ve arrived at the climax of Canto’s adventure, readers can expect more of the emotional connection we set up right from issue #1.

DERBY COMICS: You’re keeping yourself busy this month beyond Canto with the Killer Queens 2: Kings, Not Wings! TPB also coming out June 19th. This is one of my favorite sci-fi comics out there that just so happens to also be a queer comic. What inspired the idea for gay assassins in space?

BOOHER: You nailed it. The inspiration was… gay assassins in space! I really wanted to bring together an all- LGBTQ+ creative team to tell an unabashedly queer story. But I didn’t want it to be the typical queer story about coming out, or bullying, or any number of things we face in the community. Instead, I wanted to make Buck Rogers gay. So we did.

DERBY COMICS: Who do I have to talk to pitch Killer Queens: The Musical? [laughs]

BOOHER:: Ha! Let’s get Lin Manuel Miranda on it!

DERBY COMICS: Yes! If only! Is there a chance we could see our favorite assassins again for a third volume?

BOOHER: I hope so. It has shaped up as a trilogy of sorts. The first volume is about Max and Alex together. The second volume is mostly focused on Alex’s past. I’d love to see a third volume focused on Max. I mean, he’s been very vocal about wanting more of the spotlight. What Max wants… Max gets!

DERBY COMICS: Beyond the universes you’ve had a hand in creating, you’ve also worked on several projects featuring well-known IP, such as your recent work on Dungeons & Dragons & Ghostbusters. Do you approach these types of projects differently? 

BOOHER: Writing for established worlds is such a different beast. Even when I’m given total freedom, I still have to be true to the characters, the rules of the world, and the folks who oversee these beloved brands. My approach is to do whatever I think is right for the story, and then rely on the team help me fit it into their vision of the franchise. It’s worked pretty well so far!

DERBY COMICS: What’s a question that you’ve never been asked, but have always wanted to answer?

BOOHER: This one. Hehehe.

DERBY COMICS: Where can fans look for you next?

BOOHER: I’ll be appearing at Q Con in West Hollywood for Pride Month (June 15), the American Library Association annual conference in San Diego (June 29), and San Diego Comic Con in July. Everyone can follow my mayhem on Instagram, Facebook, Whatnot, and the site formerly known as Twitter. As for upcoming projects, I’m focused on creator-owned work. Look out for some horror, some middle grade spooky fun, and perhaps even another epic fantasy like Canto!


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