Review: Avengers #17

Jed MacKay's script is well paced, with plot foreshadowing and balanced character development. He expertly weaves together multiple storylines, paying off simmering tensions and setting the stage for a new direction as individual team members struggle with the losses they incurred during the events of Blood Hunt. Each Avenger is forced to confront their own limitations and how they view their role as a superhero and you can’t help but feel there will be tough decisions made that will have significant repercussions for the Marvel Universe.

The various argument laid out by our heroes was very reminiscent to the build up towards Marvel’s iconic ‘Civil War’ storyline, where heroes where forced to choose between two very different perspectives. Sam’s reaction is likely to be one of the most consequential as his visit to Storm is what causes her to become the newest Avenger. It was a great way to tie in what happened to mutants during and after the fall of Krakoa and made a strong case as to why Storm joining the team makes perfect sense.

Schiti's artwork is simply stunning, bringing the Avengers to life with dynamic energy and emotional depth. His action sequences, while tame compared to what Earth’s Mightiest Heroes went through during Blood Hunt, are frenetic and beautifully choreographed, while his character designs are expressive and nuanced. As usual for any book he’s on, Schiti provides a sense of cinematic scale that few comic book artists can capture. The visuals are further elevated by Federico Blee's vibrant colors, which add an extra layer of depth and atmosphere to the panels.

Avengers #17 includes top-notch storytelling from MacKay and new series artist Schiti makes an instant statement with knockout visuals. The issue is the start of a status quo-changing period that marks a pivotal moment in the series’ run, as the Avengers deal with the fallout from Blood Hunt and have clearly been transformed as individuals, and a team, forever.

Rating: 9/10


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