Review: Birds of Prey #7

On the one hand, this issue delivers the things that make the BoP such a compelling concept: a fantastically diverse cast of women and the long-awaited return of Barbara Gordon to the fold. Seeing Black Canary reunite with a Babs felt like a true homecoming for the title, finally capturing the spirit of the classic BoP dynamic. However, the plot itself felt riddled with holes. The jump to a new conspiracy, especially after the unevenness of the first arc, was jarring. This new investigation felt rushed, with leaps of logic that are hard to swallow given Meridian could be using future tech to help figure out who is out to kill Babs. This is all topped off by an ending that leaves you scratching your head more than cheering. Vixen parading the BoP in lingerie? Why?? Kelly Thompson is such an amazing writer, but it has felt like she's gone for a cheap laugh or gag joke one too many times in this series' short run so far.

Despite the narrative stumbles, this is still a visually stunning book. Javier Pine’s art is expressive and dynamic, perfectly capturing action and interpersonal dynamics. There's a noticeable shift from Leo Romero's usual linework without being a completely new approach. This shift is helped by the true star of the show, which are the colors by Jordie Bellaire. Her palette & style sets this book apart from anything else on the shelves today. Its bold and inventive, adding depth to every panel and something I've come to look forward to every issue she's on.

The next issue will be the conclusion to this mini-arc, but I do hope it doesn't mean Babs gets rotated out again. This series has the potential to be truly great (and has shown it can be), and w/ a little more focus, it can be one of the best current comics.

Rating: 7.5/10


Review: Poison Ivy #20


Review: TMNT The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution #1