Review: Cobra Commander #5

The finale of Joshua Williamson's Cobra Commander miniseries is a perfect conclusion that cements the character's transformation into the iconic villain we all know and love. Williamson delivered on his upfront promise, showcasing Cobra Commander's ascension to evil greatness with precision and flair.

Cobra’s coordinated attacks on M.A.R.S. Industries are expertly choreographed, with Williamson's writing and Andrea Milana's artwork working in perfect harmony. The visuals are stunning, with Annalisa Leoni's colors & Rus Wooton’s lettering bringing the action to life. But it's Williamson’s character development that truly shines, as Cobra Commander's new partnership with Destro reveal the depth of his ambition and cunning.

The double splash-page that marks Cobra's true birth amongst his followers is a showstopper, a testament to the artistic team's skill and ability to capture a moment in images. It's a moment that nod what’s to come and is a defining image of the character's transformation.

Even with the focus on wrapping up Cobra's story, Williamson's script also skillfully weaves in connections to the broader Energon universe, setting the stage for future stories and cementing this series as a crucial piece of the larger narrative puzzle. It's a testament to Williamson's skill that he can balance character development, action, & world-building with such ease.

Williamson, Milana, Leoni, and Wooton have crafted a story that will satisfy both old and new fans of the G.I. Joe universe. Cobra Commander #5 is a must-read, a fitting end to a miniseries that will leave you eager to explore the larger Energon universe.

Rating: 9/10


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