Review: Miles Morales: Spider-Man #21

Cody Ziglar's writing is top-notch as always, weaving together multiple plot threads and character arcs that span developments from the main Blood Hunt line and Miles' own ongoing. We see a mix of Miles navigating his personal life and Spider-Man responsibilities all while dealing with the fallout of being backstabbed (backbit?) but Blade & becoming a vampire. I wish we got to see more of Miles & Brielle interacting, but that is likely going to happen in the event's main story. Even when slightly hamstrung by the constraints of an event, Ziglar's dialogue is snappy and authentic, as he also showed when having to divert the plot for the recent Gang War event.

Brent Peeples and Daniel Picciotto's guest artwork is dynamic and expressive, bringing the world of the living dead to vivid life. The action scenes are intense and kinetic, especially when Miles and Blade clash swords and then again when Miles and Hightail try to keep R’ym’r from being resurrected. The final panel, a full double-splash page, is worth the price of the comic itselfs.

Bryan Valenza's colors are a perfect complement to the art, adding depth and energy to every panel. Cory Petit's lettering styles add even more layers to the book and allows readers to keep up with all the dialogue.

Rating: 7.5/10


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