Review: ‘Something is Killing the Children’ #32

I finally read the previous 5 SIKTC issues this week and can finally start reviewing the series as part of my regular reviews! Part of the reason I’ve lapsed on keeping up is the Tribulation arc hasn’t been my favorite of the three stories to date and I was waiting for the next TPB to come out. I figured I’d give the arc another shot after seeing James Tynion IV at Flame Con this past weekend.

Things finally started to pick up around issue #26 when Erica and Cutter crossed paths in New Mexico, introducing a new source of tension beyond the monsters. However, SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #32 shows the arc is still suffering from drawn-out pacing that weighs things down in what used to be an exciting monthly read. That’s not to say that Tynion isn’t writing some really good dialogue for characters or that there nothing interesting happens, it’s just taking wayyyyy too long to play out. Every time it feels like we’re gaining momentum, we get an issue where the plot is put on hold for forced character exploration and that’s exactly what happens in this issue.

The flashback scene between Erica and Gary reveals interesting information on Cecilia & Jessica’s dynamic, but did we really need that now? This reveal would have worked better had we gotten it much earlier in the series. Getting all of this backstory at this point feels like a lazy copout to explain actions that’s have already happen. The TV show Lost used this type of plot device a lot in it’s later seasons as a means of selling in decisions characters made that didn’t seem to go along with what they’ve did previously. I don’t want to see this series going down the same path.

The dialogue-heavy issue didn’t give the creative team a lot to work with. There’s only so many ways you can make a conversation between two people interesting. And even then, it was a pretty lackluster visual experience. Most SIKTC issues take place at night or in darker settings where shadows are natural, but this issue happen mostly during the day and Werther Dell'Edera takes the shading to an extreme in this issue. The end result is some awkward panels where the shading and brighter than normal color palette from Miquel Muerto don’t complement one another.

I really hope we get back to focusing on the showdown between Erica and Cutter in the next issue. We have at least two more issues focused on this arc according to solicitations through October. Tynion has mentioned in the past that he sees these arcs lasting 10-15 issues each, so we should be reaching the end in the not too distant future. It still feels like there’s a lot to cover before now and when we reach a resolution which makes me worry that the ending will be feel rushed. Tynion has shown he doesn’t need much to jump right back into monster slaying though he’s beginning to run out of time.

Rating: 6/10


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