Review: Superman #7

This was a satisfying conclusion to the first major arc of Joshua Williamson’s run. The issue neatly ties up the major loose threads left dangling, leaving us w/ a sense of closure while teasing us with the next major arc on the final page.

Williamson deserves credit for crafting a succinct and suspenseful finale. The story focuses on the conclusion to Superman & Lex’s confrontation w/ Graft, Pharm, & Lex’s mom. We see Lex grapple w/ the choice of defeat his mother or saving the millions of lives. With a little nudging from Superman, he chooses what’s best for the greater good. Thankfully, the resolution avoids an outright redemption moment for Lex. Instead, Superman acknowledges Lex’s aid while recognizing his inherent duplicity. It’s a complex character development for both characters by the end. One minor disappointment is the lack of Lex’s daughter in this issue. Her intro hinted at a potentially interesting/larger role, & I would love to see her return in future storylines.

David Baldeón, Norm Rapmund, & Rex Lokus put together a visual treat. The action sequences are crisp and clear, with vibrant color palettes that make panels pop. Particularly impressive were the designs for the armored suits worn by Superman, Lex, & Lex’s mom – truly cool looks!

Looking ahead, the solicitation for the upcoming “House of Braniac” arc teased on the last page definitely piques my interest. The prospect of a Braniac-centric arc playing out across both Superman and Action Comics is intriguing, and I’m eager to see how Williamson tackles this level of big bad, especially since I never bought Pharm & Graft as major threats.

Rating: 8.5/10


Review: X-Men Forever #1


Review: Wonder Woman #7