Review: Ultimate Spider-Man #5

Jonathan Hickman keeps hitting home runs. This issue gives us a captivating narrative that goes deeper into Harry’s tragic backstory & his journey to becoming the Green Goblin. It’s a testament to Hickman’s exceptional storytelling ability, as he seamlessly subverts Harry & Peter’s classic & iconic origins/relationships in such simple, yet nuanced ways that feel authentic to this universe. You really get a sense of how much the Maker has put his thumb on the scale to create a world completely of his design.

Hickman’s talent for crafting compelling dialogue shines through yet again in the conversation we see with Peter & Harry near the end, as well as what we see from Harry, Gwen, & the new inclusion of a young Otto Octavius. He astutely understands how to build interesting interpersonal dynamics & all these interactions would make Aaron Sorkin grin.

The artwork by David Messina is equally impressive, w/ meticulous attention to character design & facial expressions that convey a wide range of emotions & set the mood of each scene. The technology-driven panels showcasing Stark’s hidden lab are awesome to see come to life, & Mathew Wilson’s colors bring the entire issue to life with great colors & effective shadowing.

Overall, this is another gripping & character-driven issue that sets the stage for more interesting plots to keep unfolding. Hickman’s bold storytelling choices may seem out of place in a Spider-Man title, but he has completely redefined the character in just a handful of issues.

Rating: 8.5/10


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