Review: ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ #9

This series makes me smile. I could wax poetically about Hickman’s writing or Checcetto’s art, & I’ll get to those in a bit, but at the end of the day I could read this series in any mindset & I’d instantly have a smile in my face. This book is exactly why I read comics. Is there a better feeling than that?

Between Ben/JJJ/MJ figuring out their business model or Peter & Harry discussing their ideas on crime fighting, Hickman is creating human stories. Strip away all of the superhero aspect of it all & this would still be captivating dialogue. Hickman is also laying the groundwork for these character dynamic to take multiple paths. Will JJJ remain a more joyful version of himself or will the Spider-Man stories overshadowing his investigative journalism be what pushes him to come full circle & hate Spider-Man? Can Harry continue staying a benevolent Goblin or are starting to see the cracks form on his path to villainy? Hickman has done such a great job that any direction he chooses will feel earned.

Checcetto on this book may be the best writer/artist pairing Marvel currently has — and they have some strong teams! Every panel looks cinematic. The character designs, Spider-Man’s poses, the action sequences. His use of shadowing during the scene w/ Otto gave me goosebumps. Matt Wilson’s colors ooze with drama & lettering by Cory Petit provides depth. The “sploooosh” onomatopoeia after a water tower collapses was splendid.

Ultimate Spider-Man’s debut issue instantly proved this new Ultimate Universe had leg. It gave the other series a platform to explore familiar concept in new ways that didn’t feel like cash-grab gimmicks. Nearly 10 months later it remains the Universe’s crown jewel & continues to impress & build on its own success w/ each new issue.

Rating: 10/10


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