Review: ‘World’s Finest: Teen Titans’ #3 is a VIP pass to TitansCon 2023

We’re somehow already at the midway point of World Finest: Teen Titans and yet it feels like we’ve had enough content to fill volumes and volumes of trades. In this week’s issue, we get an intensely enjoyable commentary on modern convention culture through the eyes of our titular superhero group.


TITANSCON! As the Titans fandom converges on Metropolis by the thousands, the team crashes the con as a surprise--knowing it will leave the Titans (and their secrets) exposed. While Kid Flash and Speedy show off for the crowds, a new teenage villain, the obsessive Toyboy, shows up to wreak havoc and claim Bumblebee for his own!


Mark Waid and Emanuela Lupacchino’s partnership keeps getting better and better with each issue of the series. This week’s WORLD’S FINEST: TEEN TITANS #3 pushes the Titans team into the spotlight at their own convention and quickly subverts the excitement by showing how toxic fandom can become. With the real-world comic convention season in full-swing, it’s a relevant and on-the-nose reminder of the fragile balance so many creators deal with when innocent passions can turn into danger obsessions.

As he has done well in each issue, Waid continues to give attention to every member of the team and in this issue he focuses on their individual relationship with being in the public eye. Needless to say, it’s a sliding scale from Speedy feeding off the attention of an adoring crowd to Bumblebee becoming overwhelmed when overbearing fans nearly unmask her. There are so many great character moments throughout, including Kid Flash pulling a hilarious prank on the overzealous Speedy. Waid’s ability to talk about such serious topics under the guise of teenage banter has been masterful.

One noticeable absence from the festivities though is Robin, who is stuck in the Batcave after Batman ordered him not to go. I’ve really enjoyed how Waid has constructed the relationship between the Dynamic Duo as it allows Robin to realize what he views as the necessary traits of a good leader and shapes how he approaches decision-making with the Titans.

Lupacchino’s art and Jordie Bellaire’s colors also continue to provide a fresh take on these classic characters in fun and interesting ways. Each character is so well drawn and expresses emotion in distinct ways. The convention goers reactions were also done so well and you felt like you were bumping elbows in a densely packed exhibitor alley. I loved all the easter eggs and sight gags sprinkled throughout the issue, including the convention cosplay, Garth using a lightsaber to defend himself, and the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it confirmation of an in-world Teen Titan TCG.


Waid and Lupacchino have been doing an amazing job modernizing the classic Teen Titans team and while the first two issues have been stellar, the creative duo outdid themselves this week. The duo continues to make this series nothing but pure fun in both story and visuals. Someone at DC needs to upgrade this to an ongoing because every issue has been a home run so far and I can’t believe we only three more issues before it ends. Say it ain’t so!

RATING: 10/10


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