Advance Review: I Heart Skull-Crusher #1

This debut issue throws you headfirst into a post-apocalyptic world that’s equal parts Mad Max meets Dodgeball. Josie Campbell crafts a society ravaged by water scarcity where the only real entertainment comes from a sport called Screaming Pain Ball (think gladiatorial lacrosse). We meet Trini, a teenage orphan w/ a fierce determination to play the game professionally w/ Skull-Crusher, a legendary female SPB player & her hero/crush.

Campbell’s script crackles w/ energy throughout the book. One moment you’ll be laughing out loud at Trini’s inner (& outer) monologue, the next you’ll be crying at how much paid she carries on her shoulders. Campbell sneakily packs a ton of moments of genuine emotion, making you instantly invested in Trini & her journey.

Enhancing the script is the phenomenal art team. Alessio Zonno’s designs pops are dynamic, with a manga-inspired style that perfectly captures the energy of Campbell’s script. Every panel thrums with life, accentuated by Angel De Santiago’s vibrant colors. Together, they create a visually stunning world that’s both beautiful and brutal.

I HEART SKULL-CRUSHER #1 is a knockout. It’s a perfect blend of action, humor, & surprising emotional depth. By the end of the issue I was cheering for Trini, and I’m eager to see what comes next in the Screaming Pain Ball arena!

Rating: 9/10


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