Advance Review: ZAWA + The Belly of The Beast #5

Michael Dialynas wore many hats for his debut creator-owned series, ZAWA + The Belly of The Beast. Writer, illustrator, colorist, & letterer – it was a herculean task borne solely by his multiple talents. This single-handed effort deserves serious applause, especially the visually striking world of Mesa's Boon & the quirky cast of characters Dialynas brought to life.

Dialynas' artistic talents have never been in question & they are on fully display through the final pages of this series finale. Mesa's Boon feels like a fully realized world, its blend of beauty & desolation inhabited by endearing humans & fantastical creatures, including the titular character Zawa. The designs for characters & landscapes alike are equally impressive in their uniqueness. In this final issue, we see multiple Zawas rampaging throughout the city with a much darker color palette washing over the pages. The visuals of the mountain exploding were jaw-dropping.

However, while the story's core has always held immense potential, ZAWA + The Belly of The Beast #5 feels a tad rushed. Dialynas, juggling all creative aspects, doesn't quite get the chance to fully flesh out the narrative that he set up so brilliantly early on. Cramming character development, world-building, & a satisfying resolution into such a short format is a challenge even for seasoned storytellers. Bandit’s discovery of the solution to the evil Zawa’s seemingly came out of nowhere and was enacted in such short capacity that it took away from the tension Dialynas was building.

Despite this, this series was a heartfelt & entertaining adventure. Message about the consequences of pollution & corporate greed were cleverly woven into the narrative from the beginning. The bond between Zawa, Bandit, & Thatcher was genuinely sweet, adding a layer of warmth to the fantastical world & showing us the importance of family.

Dialynas' talent & the inherent charm of Zawa's story spark a desire to see this world & these characters explored further. Here's hoping we get future installments where Zawa can get the room she deserves to experience some much deserved freedom & happiness (& maybe enjoy a few more cookies)!

Rating: 7.5/10


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